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 There is no doubt that investing in property can be lucrative. However, 如果你想让你的投资“像房子一样安全”,那么你应该注意一些注意事项. This applies to any property market, 但在费城这样充满活力的市场,它的相关性得到了加强.

In this article, 我们将介绍在费城投资房产之前需要知道的注意事项. Whether you're a seasoned or first-time real estate investor,考虑这些因素可以帮助你做出正确的决定.


让我们从积极的一面开始,看看在费城购买投资房产时应该做些什么. 了解这些可以大大提高你投资成功的机会:

1. Conduct Thorough Market Research

人们有一种误解,认为房地产投资很难出错. 然而,历史上有很多与此相悖的例子. 了解费城房地产市场的趋势和动态是迈向成功的关键第一步 successful real estate investment. This is important, whether you're a private investor or a franchisee looking to expand.

Here are three key areas to focus on:

  • Analyze neighborhood trends and growth patterns.
  • Research property values and recent sales in the area.
  • 评估不同社区的租赁需求和空置率.

2. Location, Location, Location

Choosing the right location for your investment property is crucial for long-term success. 费城提供了各种各样的社区,每个社区都有其独特的特点. Notably, 与美国其他主要城市相比,费城的居民是最不可能搬迁的. Only 18% of Philadelphians indicated plans to move in 2024, 这表明稳定的人口基数对房地产投资者有利.

Here are some key points to consider:

  • 靠近学校、公园和公共交通等便利设施.
  • Neighborhood safety and crime rates.
  • 该地区未来的发展计划和基础设施项目.

3. Property Security Solutions

The importance of security should never be overlooked. Whether it’s a domestic or commercial property investment, 强大的安全性对于保护您的宝贵财产和租户的安全至关重要.

Consider the following points:

  • Install high-quality panoramic surveillance cameras to monitor the property.
  • 投资强大的锁和安全系统来阻止入侵者.
  • 利用智能家居技术远程监控和控制安全设备.

4. Financial Planning

投资房地产作为积累财富的一种方式,有着良好的记录. However, it can also be a major drain on resources without proper financial planning in place.


  • 设定一个现实的预算,同时考虑前期成本和后续费用.
  • Secure financing with favorable terms and interest rates.
  • 设立应急基金,以应付意外维修或空缺.

5. Involve Real Estate Professionals

对于错综复杂的房地产问题,寻求专业人士的帮助总是明智的. 建立一个专业人士的网络可以帮助你驾驭变幻莫测的费城房地产市场.

Key areas to consider include:

  • Connect with local real estate agents, property managers, and contractors.
  • 参加费城的房地产投资团体或社交活动.
  • 培养与可靠的贷款人、律师和保险代理人的关系.


While knowing the “dos” of real estate investing is essential, it is equally important to understand what to avoid. 本节探讨投资者在投资费城房地产市场时应该避免的常见陷阱.

6. Neglecting Due Diligence

在进行任何房地产投资之前,进行彻底的尽职调查至关重要, yet it is still often overlooked.

Here are some of the key areas to focus on:

  • Don’t skip property inspections and assessments.
  • 记得研究区划法规和房产历史等因素.
  • 永远不要忽视潜在的危险信号,比如留置权或法律问题.

7. Ignoring Property Condition

一种肯定会让自己更头疼的方法是忽视房产的状况. 如果你打算在这条道路上翻新和出售,那么投资破旧的房产是有利可图的, it isn't for everyone.

Here are some of the main factors to consider:

  • Don’t disregard signs of neglect or structural damage.
  • It’s easy to underestimate the cost of repairs or renovations.
  • 确保你检查了管道、电力和暖通空调系统等设备的状况.

8. Overlooking Security Systems


Here are some of the main considerations:

  • 寻找有足够的照明和安全系统的物业,或者确保它们易于安装.
  • Don’t ignore the importance of secure locks and entry points.
  • 确保安装足够的监控摄像头和报警系统.

9. Underestimating Expenses


Here are some of the main pitfalls to watch for:

  • 低估财产税、保险费和维护成本.
  • Failing to budget for unexpected repairs or vacancies.
  • 忽略了公用事业成本或物业靠谱的足球外围竞猜网站推荐费的潜在增长.


投资费城的房地产是非常有利可图的. However, it needs to be a considered and informed investment. By adhering to the dos and don’ts listed in this article, 你将成功地投资于充满活力的费城房地产市场. 
